Our Story

Story of Projet Afrique

‘’Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.‘’ Margaret Mead

As a professor at Campus Saint- Jean of the University of Alberta, in Canada, Lucille Mandin had the privilege of being a teacher educator.  Projet Afrique saw the light of day when the Education professors discussed the importance of broadening the horizons of our students.to form future leaders who would understand the importance of being of service to others. Goodlad, an American educator, affirmed we cannot educate teachers within four walls. We therefore created a credited course in which our students could explore global citizenship and social justice locally or internationally. 

Projet Afrique is Born

Thanks to Florence Gobeil – Dwyer and to Francoise Ruban, Projet Afrique was launched in 2008. As of 2009, Lucille was the lucky professor to accompany students to Afrique with a colleague. It was clear Projet Afrique would be an educational and humanitarian leadership adventure, not one of voluntourism. Our journey would help us understand humanity, how the others live. Over the years, over 120 students were mobilized to Africa, at first with Me to We in Kenya and in Tanzania and later with Project Abroad, in Togo. It was indeed a journey of ‘transformation’ – each one of us, took away some wisdom that would ‘forever change us’.  ‘Now that we know, we cannot not know’! The hard work began when we returned to Canada. Prior to our departure from Africa, after the three-week leadership program, we all committed in one way or another, to continue to share their stories, their realities, their contribution to our growth as human beings. We like to refer to this experience as an ‘Unfinished Symphony’. We discovered the pulse of Africa, gathering the resonance of diversity, that impacted our lives then and to this day.  We understand that as in a symphony, every instrument must play their part. Today, together we, the Projet Afrique Alumni, continue to take advantage of every opportunity to ‘walk our talk’. We are indeed pursuing our ‘Unfinished Symphony’. Our ripple effects continue to create impact in the lives of many.

At first Kenya, Tanzania and Togo were but dots on a map

At first, Kenya, Tanzania and Togo were but dots on a map. Today, these countries have faces. During these journeys, deep bonds of friendship, respect and unity were formed. We committed to each other to stay open to each other’s needs but also to stay connected. When connections happen, lives change. The Alumni students are now spread across the globe, engaged in their careers and raising their families. As many of them are teachers, their impact is immeasurable. As teachers, we never know where our influence ends. Others have become influencers in the respective careers they have chosen. 

Thank you to all of you who have accepted the invitation to be part of this life- changing adventure.  Un grand merci à vous tous! Sans vous, rien de ceci aurait été possible!

Local Fundraising

Over the years, there were fundraising activities created to support the African communities we had come to love and admire. In fact, our faculty raised $20,000 to build a school in Kenya. Other projects launched by committed students including a campaign Education for Girls, to support young girls with Hygiene kits, allowing them to stay in school, were created.

When Lucille retired, she organized annual fundraisers to respond to needs emerging in the African communities we discovered. This is when we realized our local communities were eager to donate to our cause. Generous donations were given.  She then decided to create a sustainable structure, which would support African women in their leadership roles in their respective communities. 

The Circle Widens

This is when the circle widened.  A global leadership team was created to expand our impact across the planet.